Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Welcome to Bledisloe School

Junior  Blog.

This week saw the introduction of our new topic for the remainder of Term 2:

The Junior Teachers bravely decided to introduce this unit with a dance for the children. It was a big surprise for them,  and was met with wonderment and awe (and lots of giggles from both teachers and students!)

During the remainder of the term the children will rotate around each of the Junior classes, spending two 45 minute sessions per week in each room, exploring a range of  materials and their properties.

Room 1 is exploring  

Room 2 is exploring

Room 3 is exploring

Room 4 is exploring

Room 5 is exploring

1 comment:

  1. Love Love Love the video of the teachers dancing! What a superb effort and what lucky children to be doing such a neat unit of learning!
    Kate Redward
